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Exercises 10.4 Exercises


For each of the following groups G, determine whether H is a normal subgroup of G. If H is a normal subgroup, write out a Cayley table for the factor group G/H.

  1. G=S4 and H=A4

  2. G=A5 and H={(1),(123),(132)}

  3. G=S4 and H=D4

  4. G=Q8 and H={1,1,I,I}

  5. G=Z and H=5Z


Find all the subgroups of D4. Which subgroups are normal? What are all the factor groups of D4 up to isomorphism?


Find all the subgroups of the quaternion group, Q8. Which subgroups are normal? What are all the factor groups of Q8 up to isomorphism?


Let T be the group of nonsingular upper triangular 2×2 matrices with entries in R; that is, matrices of the form


where a, b, cR and ac0. Let U consist of matrices of the form


where xR.

  1. Show that U is a subgroup of T.

  2. Prove that U is abelian.

  3. Prove that U is normal in T.

  4. Show that T/U is abelian.

  5. Is T normal in GL2(R)?


Show that the intersection of two normal subgroups is a normal subgroup.


If G is abelian, prove that G/H must also be abelian.


Prove or disprove: If H is a normal subgroup of G such that H and G/H are abelian, then G is abelian.


If G is cyclic, prove that G/H must also be cyclic.


Prove or disprove: If H and G/H are cyclic, then G is cyclic.


Let H be a subgroup of index 2 of a group G. Prove that H must be a normal subgroup of G. Conclude that Sn is not simple for n3.


If a group G has exactly one subgroup H of order k, prove that H is normal in G.


Define the centralizer of an element g in a group G to be the set


Show that C(g) is a subgroup of G. If g generates a normal subgroup of G, prove that C(g) is normal in G.


Recall that the center of a group G is the set

Z(G)={xG:xg=gx for all gG}.
  1. Calculate the center of S3.

  2. Calculate the center of GL2(R).

  3. Show that the center of any group G is a normal subgroup of G.

  4. If G/Z(G) is cyclic, show that G is abelian.


Let G be a group and let G=aba1b1; that is, G is the subgroup of all finite products of elements in G of the form aba1b1. The subgroup G is called the commutator subgroup of G.

  1. Show that G is a normal subgroup of G.

  2. Let N be a normal subgroup of G. Prove that G/N is abelian if and only if N contains the commutator subgroup of G.